Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Social Strategic Insights to Help You Reach the Multicultural Audience

If you have yet to adopt a strategy for reaching the multicultural audience via social media, you can already consider yourself behind the 8-ball.  The latest studies prove that Hispanics, African Americans and Asians over-index for integration of social media into their daily lives.

It is not enough to have a social media strategy in place and assume the multicultural audience will adopt  the same usage habits as the general market consumer.  But the reality of the situation is that social media still has a long way to go to prove ROI.  And many clients simply don’t have the budgets to hire an entire separate agency to develop stand-alone multicultural social media strategies.

With this in mind, here are five ways you can take your existing social media strategy and evolve it to reach the multicultural audience. Let’s look at this from the traditional strategic pillars:

Target Market
The latest studies show that Hispanics, African Americans and Asians have unique habits when it comes to social media.  However the common thread running through all of these audiences is that they are somewhat exclusive.  From a targeting standpoint you can assume that Hispanics are interacting with other Hispanics, etc. When developing a hub strategy to drive audiences to certain website landing pages, promotions, offers, etc., this is a key point to keep in mind.

Communication Objective
When it comes to brands and the multicultural audience, your objective should never be to start a conversation between you and the consumer. The dialog you want is between consumers and their COI (Circle of Influence). You don’t want them going to your facebook page to comment or tweeting questions to you. You want Likes, Shares, Retweets, Repins, etc. Your objective is to be an objective conversation starter.

Product/Service Benefits
It is wise to seed benefit messages that are as specific as possible.  The multicultural audience already assumes that brands are not speaking directly to them.  When you generalize your product or service benefits—even to a specific ethnic group—that assumption still applies. Try to communicate a single-minded benefit that gets as specific as possible to the individual you are trying to reach.

Benefit Support
Social media has allowed consumers almost unlimited potential to research products. Whether it is word of mouth from a trusted influencer or the latest published data in a professional journal, it is all there with the swipe of an index finger.  Providing support for your brand benefits that are easy to access will help you get the organic promotion you will need to make it into the multicultural consideration set.

Tone and Manner
Often a throwaway in many strategies, the way in which you speak to this audience is crucial to success.  My mother actually has a phrase that captures the idea best. When it comes to connecting with the Hispanic, African American and Asian American audience…”You can pretend you know me, but don’t pretend you know ABOUT me.”  This means that your communication should be friendly and casual, but stop way short of empathetic.  Pretending you can empathize with the day-to-day lives of this consumer is bound to trip you up.  And in an age where any misstep is instantly shared and lives online forever, it’s just not worth taking the chance.

The multicultural audience is a great place to build brand advocates who will create loyal and trusted consumers for your brand.  If you don’t take advantage and take the right approach, you will miss a tremendous growth opportunity.

--And, fade to black…

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