Saturday, June 4, 2011

What the Producer Said to the Account Executive

I have been fortunate to indulge my passions for both advertising and filmmaking.  I believe the best account leaders are essentially great producers.  Most would have a successful career in Hollywood. 

So I advise everyone to put down the double-spaced; three-inch margined “advertising books” and read about people who have built empires.  Media is media. If you want to succeed on Madison Avenue, you need to follow the rules of Hollywood.  To help you get started, here are my five very subtle “conventions” which straddle both worlds.  You follow these, and success will follow you.

A good producer will read every script he is given.  Your “scripts” are the trades and news-feeds.  Make sure you are up on every article that has anything remotely to do with your Client or agency.  It WILL come up at some point in conversation.  Grab a daily dose of RSS feeds.

If you’re at the Avalon in Beverly Hills by the pool, it’s very easy to tell the Producers from the creative types. I KNOW you are in a creative business, but flip-flops and three-day shadows are the domain of art directors. YOU need to be pulled together to get the respect of Clients and your team.

Many Producers end up with strong relationships at studios because they follow the old axiom “get in where you fit in.” If you want to make it, you need to make connections at the types of agencies where you ultimately want to work.  If you want to be a planner, make sure you “Link in” with anyone and everyone at strong planning agencies. Whether they are the CEO or Administrative staff, it’s all good!

May sound strange, but if you can master this you will be shocked at how much power you will gain over your team and Clients.  The trick is very simple. Literally have a written agenda when you make a call, and NEVER take a call you are not expecting. Call the person right back once you think you know what they are calling about. My favorite end line is, “I know you’re crazed, so I’ll let you get back to work.”  Never fails!!

I cannot express how important this is in both Hollywood and Madison Avenue.  Both industries are filled with people who have no problem throwing you under the bus to save their own ass.  But you can’t hate the player when it’s really the game. Make sure all of your Client meetings and discussions are documented.  You’d be surprised what people will deny saying once their backs are against the wall.

The similarities between the advertising industry and Hollywood are endless.  As a student of both, I hope to continue to be able to provide you with best practices that will hopefully make your ride less bumpy than mine.  Good luck!

And…Fade to black.

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