Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting Passed a Get-Over Mentality

Creating a Social Movement #NoMoGetOver

Anyone who knows me knows that the only “movement” I am interested in…Okay, let’s start again.
I am not the social change type.  However, I have noticed an increase in behaviors that I like to describe as “Get-Over” mentality.

Let’s define this as: An opportunistic reinterpretation of societal rules in order to suit the immediate needs of an individual.  

We have all seen this.

 The guy who parks his SUV in the No Stopping zone because “he just has to run in for a second.”

The woman on line in the grocery store who refuses to meet your gaze because she knows she has WAY more than 15 items in that cart.

The co-worker who seemingly has a pediatrician who only works on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.

On a larger scale

 The customer service line that gives you every option except the one to speak to a real person.

Or that service you canceled but not in time for them to take one more payment.

On the largest scale there are entire countries whose entire culture revolves around this concept. But let’s focus on what we can fix.

Let’s instead ponder the fact that there are people who are continuously looking to get over; to take shortcuts; to find the most convenient way to get what they want, regardless of how it affects others. What that means is people are increasingly taking less responsibility for their actions. That's not good for a social society. 

The double-parker no longer thinks about the person who may be late for work because of his sloth. 

And anyone who owns a home knows (and is probably feeling the result) of the mortgage bankers with the Get-Over Mentality who aren't  losing any sleep because you can't pay your mortgage.  

I am asking today that you stand with me against the Get-Over Mentality.  Let’s use the power of social media to point out and blow up examples whenever we see them. Raise your smartphones up in the air, and use ‘em like you just now care!

The next time you see someone double-parked just to bring their brat into school. Grab it and share it.  That over-flowing shopping cart in the 10 items or less line? Snapchat that shizz.

Let’s pledge today that we are going to stand up to the Get-Over Mentality and make people accountable for their actions.  Any time you see someone displaying Get-Over Mentality, use your social media power to share it with the world with the hashtag #NoMoGetOver. If we focus on the small-scale things, maybe the larger things will take care of itself. 

Happy hunting!

And, fade to black.

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