If you read the Pew Study published back in February of this year, you know that Latinos are heavy users of Instagram. This social media network that allows you to snap a picture, add a comment and a few hash tags and keep it moving--is incredibly popular with mi gente.
As a marketer you need to understand a few things that can help you leverage Instagram for success with your desire to connect with this audience.
1. Why Instagram?
The quick answer is the exclusive mobility of the platform. Due to a number of social and economical factors, Latinos over-index for using a mobile device to access the Internet. That means, a platform designed from inception for mobile has a better chance of being adopted.
2. What is being shared?
Another quick answer: Anything and everything. The difference is who is it being shared with. For the most part this audience is not trying to take over the world. The Latino Instagram user is targeting family, friends and friends of friends. They are looking to be an influencer among this defined sphere of influence
And finally...
3. How can a brand get in on the conversation?
Much like Fight Club, the first rule of Instagram is "You don't talk about Instagram." Latinos are not following brands on Instagram. They have a life. Your job is to integrate yourself into that life. Instagram is about sharing on a very personal and spontaneous level. A brand is not going to tap into that unless it connects with this consumer emotionally. So here's what... If you want to be one of those hash tags in an Instagram post, take your social media budget and spend it on something that will tap the emotions. Try sponsoring a cultural event or handing out samples at a local nightspot.
There are many other ways but you get the gist.
The point is, sometimes social media is really about being social.
And...fade to black!
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